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"type" : "symbol", "label" : "To Normalized Expression", "displayorder" : 10 } , "fromnormalized" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "Converts a normalized parameter into its actual parameter value.", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "symbol", "label" : "From Normalized Expression", "displayorder" : 9 } , "order" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "Order in which initial parameter values will be sent out on patcher load. The order can be numeric or symbolic ('first' and 'last')", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "symbol", "defaultValue" : "0", "label" : "Restore Order", "displayorder" : 12 } , "sendinit" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "Send initial value", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "bool", "defaultValue" : "true", "label" : "Send Init", "displayorder" : 4 } , "ctlin" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "MIDI controller number to control this parameter.", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "number", "label" : "MIDI Controller Number.", "displayorder" : 15 } , "meta" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "A JSON formatted string containing metadata for use by the exported code", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "symbol", "defaultValue" : "", "label" : "Metadata", "displayorder" : 16 } , "nopreset" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "Do not add this value to the preset [DEPRECATED - USE @preset 0 instead].", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 1, "type" : "bool", "defaultValue" : "false" } , "preset" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "Add this value to the preset.", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "bool", "defaultValue" : "true", "label" : "Include In Preset", "displayorder" : 11 } } , "inputs" : [ { "name" : "value", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Parameter value", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 0 } ], "outputs" : [ { "name" : "value", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Parameter value", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 0 } , { "name" : "normalized", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Normalized parameter value.", "docked" : 0 } ], "helpname" : "param", "aliasOf" : "param", "classname" : "param", "operator" : 0, "versionId" : 1354159517, "changesPatcherIO" : 0 } , "text" : "param running 1 @min 0 @max 1 @ steps 2", "varname" : "running" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-8", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 3, "numoutlets" : 2, "outlettype" : [ "", "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 76.0, 235.0, 108.0, 23.0 ], "rnbo_classname" : "makenote", "rnbo_extra_attributes" : { "repeatmode" : "none" } , "rnbo_serial" : 1, "rnbo_uniqueid" : "makenote_obj-8", "text" : "makenote 100 100" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-7", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 76.0, 271.0, 45.0, 23.0 ], "rnbo_classname" : "pack", "rnbo_extra_attributes" : { "length" : 0.0, "list" : "" } , "rnbo_serial" : 1, "rnbo_uniqueid" : "pack_obj-7", "rnboinfo" : { "needsInstanceInfo" : 1, "argnames" : { "out" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "out", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "outlet" : 1, "type" : "list" } , "in1" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "number to be list element 1", "defaultarg" : 1, "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number", "defaultValue" : "0" } , "in2" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "number to be list element 2", "defaultarg" : 2, "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number", "defaultValue" : "0" } , "length" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "how many things to pack", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "number" } , "list" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "the list to initialize the {@objectname} object with", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "type" : "list" } } , "inputs" : [ { "name" : "in1", "type" : "number", "digest" : "number to be list element 1", "defaultarg" : 1, "hot" : 1, "docked" : 0 } , { "name" : "in2", "type" : "number", "digest" : "number to be list element 2", "defaultarg" : 2, "docked" : 0 } ], "outputs" : [ { "name" : "out", "type" : "list", "digest" : "out", "docked" : 0 } ], "helpname" : "pack", "aliasOf" : "pack", "classname" : "pack", "operator" : 0, "versionId" : 2113152561, "changesPatcherIO" : 0 } , "text" : "pack i i" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-6", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 7, "numoutlets" : 1, "outlettype" : [ "" ], "patching_rect" : [ 76.0, 305.0, 82.0, 23.0 ], "rnbo_classname" : "midiformat", "rnbo_extra_attributes" : { "bendmode" : "float" } , "rnbo_serial" : 1, "rnbo_uniqueid" : "midiformat_obj-6", "rnboinfo" : { "needsInstanceInfo" : 1, "argnames" : { "midimessage" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "MIDI Message Output", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "outlet" : 1, "type" : "number" } , "noteonoroff" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Note-on or Note-off (list: pitch, velocity)", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "list" } , "polypressure" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Poly Key Pressure (list: Key, Value)", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "list" } , "controlchange" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Control Change (list: Controller Number, Value)", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "list" } , "programchange" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Program Change", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number" } , "aftertouch" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "After Touch", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number" } , "channel" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Set MIDI Channel", "defaultarg" : 1, "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number" } , "pitchbend" : { "attrOrProp" : 1, "digest" : "Pitch Bend (0 to 127)", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "inlet" : 1, "type" : "number", "defaultValue" : "64" } , "bendmode" : { "attrOrProp" : 2, "digest" : "0 for Pitch Bend (0-127), 1 for Pitch Bend (-1. to 1.), 2 for Pitch Bend (-8192 to 8191)", "isalias" : 0, "aliases" : [ ], "settable" : 1, "attachable" : 0, "isparam" : 0, "deprecated" : 0, "enum" : [ "lores", "float", "hires" ], "type" : "enum", "defaultValue" : "float" } } , "inputs" : [ { "name" : "noteonoroff", "type" : "list", "digest" : "Note-on or Note-off (list: pitch, velocity)", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "polypressure", "type" : "list", "digest" : "Poly Key Pressure (list: Key, Value)", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "controlchange", "type" : "list", "digest" : "Control Change (list: Controller Number, Value)", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "programchange", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Program Change", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "aftertouch", "type" : "number", "digest" : "After Touch", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "pitchbend", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Pitch Bend (0 to 127)", "hot" : 1, "docked" : 1 } , { "name" : "channel", "type" : "number", "digest" : "Set MIDI Channel", "defaultarg" : 1, "docked" : 1 } ], "outputs" : [ { "name" : "midimessage", "type" : "number", "digest" : "MIDI Message Output", "docked" : 0 } ], "helpname" : "midiformat", "aliasOf" : "midiformat", "classname" : "midiformat", "operator" : 0, "versionId" : 469408157, "changesPatcherIO" : 0 } , "text" : "midiformat" } } , { "box" : { "id" : "obj-5", "maxclass" : "newobj", "numinlets" : 2, "numoutlets" : 0, "patching_rect" : [ 76.0, 346.0, 49.0, 23.0 ], "rnbo_classname" : "midiout", 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